Friday, April 3, 2015

Back and forth

I was blessed to receive a few comments on my last post.

That really made my day, I never expected anyone to read much here and I'm glad I found blogs to follow with a place to keep them instead of bookmarks. Having a blog is a good way to organize that.

I'm feeling loads more comfortable just writing today.

I found a blog about Blogger too!

It shows you have to change things and do a bit with fonts and such.

I really want to have time this weekend to play with it. I love designing, and being crafty so that will be like decorating my blog.

Ha ha I feel like a school girl making a collage on her notebook! I am seriously laughing at myself there.

Im my love life, my poor hubby and I just can't catch a break to talk about anything.

He has work, I work when he gets home most nights, we have loads of kids with busy schedules and I feel like we live in some sort of chaos at all times.

We need to have a big sit down. HUGE and talk.

I'm really feeling trapped inside myself and I just need to tell him how upset and out of sorts I'm feeling.

We need to also talk about us.

Every thing just seems up in the air and confusing.
So much so that I just want to ignore it.

And with all that ignoring and craziness and here I have forgotten about Easter until today when we talked about going to a church service..

I said is that THIS weekend?
I have nothing ready. No eggs, no meal for Sunday...

Guess I better stop blogging and make a big list.

Why is everything a whirl wind these days?

Since it is Easter and spring around my parts, these little buggers are all over the field next to our house. I'm going to put in a photo.
So cute but they love to eat my plants!

Happy Easter!


  1. Hey Effie,
    I totally understand your giddiness in playing with your blog design - it can be a lot of fun. Enjoy yourself!
    I live in a crazy household too - I can totally relate to that. Is there any way that you and hubby could get away - even for just one night? Then you can talk with no distractions - and maybe even other delicious things will follow. :)
    And join the club - I'm late preparing for Easter as well. March was hectic and it just occurred to me yesterday that I need to plan a meal - so I'm in catch up mode too but am hanging out in blogland instead lol.
    Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

    1. ps: I nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award - have fun with it! :)

    2. I would love to get away with just my husband and I, that is like a dream!
      I have family that usually my kids love staying with, but they are also what we call "snow birds" and leave yearly for a few months and then come back.
      Hoping in May we will get some sort of date night. lol we will see!
      It's Easter now and it was all a blur!
      Wow, real neat blog award?
      Thank you! I will have to do that at bedtime, when the house finally falls quiet!
      Here I snooped on others Q and A and now I get to try it!

  2. Effie, I agree with Cali. You must find time to talk, even if it's after the kids are in bed. Communication is key.

  3. Is it okay if I introduce you on my blog? I can't seem t find an email address to ask you.

    1. I don't have an email showing? Is it supposed to on my blog somewhere or maybe I have to turn it on to show?
      Oh that'd be nice to introduce me. Thank you! I feel like I've stepped out of a closet! :)

  4. happy Easter and welcome to blogland! I'm interested in the blog about blogger-- I have trouble doing what I want sometimes!

    1. Hi Renee Rose! thanks for a kind welcome! You are probably loads more experienced in blogging then I am but I bookmarked these three sites so far for playing around with the blog design. I think only one is a real blog itself, and the other two are just web pages for tips? Not real blogs, but here are my bookmarks!
      I found this first:
      And this:
      and the last one was about making a cute blog:
      But I have not had the time to read them all or I maybe would have a more fun background. lol
      Thank you for taking the time to stop by

  5. Welcome to blogland Effie! I hope that you find that blogging is as fun as lurking =)

    XOXO Pearl

    1. Thank you, I am a little nervous blogging and I did love lurking, I feel somewhat exposed, but yes I'm finding it much fun!

  6. Hi Effie, hope you are enjoying Blogland, it took me ages to customise my blog and I still forget everytime I want to change something what to do!! Cat is very kind and helpful though ;)
    love Jan,xx
